Owner – Ali Griggs

AliAli (short for Alastair) started off at being a 1-2-1 PT until his passion was more for group environments, making a fitness family so other people can feel together in their own journey. “It’s tough changing yourself, by yourself but being a part of a group with so many like minded individuals is the biggest game changer for success”

Sam Cowie (Sadistic Sam)

samSam first came to AGF because his brother was an AGF Member, Sam then started training 3 times per week and made massive progress in 18 months. Ali sat down with Sam and asked if he ever fancied becoming a trainer for AGF? And the rest is history… his nickname from the AGF members is “Sadistic Sam” and that says it all 🙌🏻

Sarah Walker

Sarah first came into the AGF picture as Ali used to train her friend and her son . Sarah then joined the session along with her husband. Sarah was in the first 20 people to the most popular programme to date for AGF The 6 Week Challenge. Sarah got amazing results and continued to progress in the sessions but also helped a lot of the members that joined the 6 Weeks after her, and then Ali, asked her to be a part of the AGF Team.

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